Friday 26 July 2013

Day 21: Harnas Rest Camp -> Windhoek -> Swakopmund

Its going to be one more long day today. First we have to drive around 300+ kms to Windhoek. We have to return our car there and then proceed to Swakopmund using local transportation which will take another 4.5 hrs.  Also, we should aim to return the car before 12 so as to avoid paying the rent for one extra day. It was a long drive, through tarred roads almost all the time. After driving through the bush for majority of the times it’s a bit boring to drive through the uneventful highways. Also, it was a bit tiring to drive through without any proper break.
We were able to give back the car at the African Tracks just after noon. In the end we drove approximately 5100 kms in 3 weeks through 3 countries - Namibia, Zimbabwe and Botswana. One hell of a ride, incredibly lucky and unlimited memories for a life time! We had to pay additional 900 N$ for the missing number plates and the scratch from the high lift jack on the side panel just above the rear tyre. Overall I guess we were lucky to be let off without any further charges, considering the adventurous drive we had the last weeks. The rental agency dropped as back to the Chameleon backpackers afterwards. It is where we stayed on our first night in Windhoek 3 weeks ago. The receptionist at the backpackers arranged for us the transport and accommodation at Swakopmund.

We left our main luggage there and left to Swakop with just a backpack necessary for the next two nights. We decided to go to Swakop instead of staying at Windhoek as it is a beautiful town on the beaches and also it is much safer place than Windhoek. We can move around freely without the need for looking over our shoulders for trouble all the time.  It was again a long trip, around 4.5 hours.  We reached Swakop around 6.30 pm. After a quick shower at the Villa Wiese, which is the same backpackers where we stayed 2 years back, the Lady and I went for a walk along the beach.
We hardly talked during the whole day. And while we were walking she seemed to be annoyed for some reason. Or at least she was not in her best spirits. I tried to keep some distance so as to avoid further trouble. In the evening we had dinner at one of the bars and went back to the hostel. One more uneventful day. Wish I could see her smiling and chatting cheerfully like before again. All those seems like past. `I no longer have a feeling that she likes my company. It feels more like she is somehow killing time before her trip back home. And it won’t necessarily matter who helps her in killing the time, either it’s me or somebody else. The best thing I could do now is not go get things worsen further. I hope I will be able to do that!

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