Friday 26 July 2013

Day 19: Khumaga Campsite -> Dqua Qare Game Farm

It was a long drive today. When we started from the Khumaga Campsite the weather was not so attractive. It rained all the way in the forenoon. On the way to the park gate the only animal we came across was a lonely bull. Somehow I felt a mix of emotions. I felt like it was there to say good bye to me. I stopped the car and stayed there for a while just watching him.  I was wondering whether I will ever be able to come back to this beautiful continent. I literarily said good bye to him and moved towards Maun. Our destination was the Dqua Qare Game Farm near to Ghanzi.
While entering the outskirts of Maun I ended up paying for a speeding ticket. I had always been careful not to cross the legal speed limits in this trip though I love driving fast. Somehow I lost the concentration and ended up doing 70 kmh in a 60 kmh zone. I had to pay 300 BWP as fine. I was angry with myself afterwards for that.
We stopped at Maun to post the postcards and then proceeded towards Ghanzi. The Lady took over the wheels from Maun.  It was a pretty smooth ride without any traffic as usual. On the way we stopped at Lake Ngami about 10 km from the game farm. It is a totally undeveloped site and had been recently taken over as part of the Moremi NP. It is the only lake within Kalahari. After the recent heavy rains the water has flooded the surrounding tree ground and one could see large number of trees with their trunks immersed in water. The water had a strange orange colouration and with the water birds in it, the lake looked strangely beautiful.
We reached the Dqua Qare Game Farm in the afternoon. It is a community campsite run by the San community.  It was a really nice place with a small pool. The Lady and I immediately jumped into the pool. It was our first pool dip in the whole trip. After the long drive it was quite refreshing. Other than us there was only one other camper, a British guy travelling for 4 months from Cape Town to Kenya. He should have a lot of money I think to travel like that for 4 months in a 4x4. While he was chatting with the Lady, I have to admit that I was quite jealous. Silly I know!
In the evening after the dinner the Lady and I tried to some night photography of the stars and some macros of the moths. When we were busy adjusting the lighting to track the moths something ran over the Lady’s feet before ending up over my feet. The Lady and I jumped back and then we shone the torch to it. It was a small snake! First shocked and then nicely surprised we took some photos of it. After making sure that it is no longer near our car we tried to identify it in our insect book. But we couldn’t identify it. But that surely brought an end to our night photography!

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