Friday 26 July 2013

Day 15: Baines Baobab - > Planet Baobab

The day started in a relaxed mode. We didn’t hurry up as we knew that if everything goes fine the distance that we had to cover today is not so big. The only hurdle could be covering the pan between the campsite and the Baobabs. Since the dark clouds that we say yesterday evening didn’t turn into rains, I was not expecting any trouble as long as I stick on to the tracks.
We covered the pan without any problems. We stopped at the Baines Baobabs again to take some snaps. The drive towards the gate was pretty easy. We came across only some bulls and gemsbok on the way. By noon we reached Planet Baobab which lies on the east of Nxai pan gate and about a km after Gweta. It’s a private camping are, and our first private camp spot after Victoria Falls Campsite.

When compared to the campsites we stayed in the national parks in the last days this one was a luxury. A swimming pool, a bar, restaurant, private ablution blocks, hot water, power supply and individual huts to keep our things dry, I should say that I felt a bit weird. Felt like it had been ages since I had experienced any luxury. In a way it was a good choice as it gave us time to relax and recharge our biological batteries for the next adventures ahead.
It was drizzling all the time. We planned to go and have a look at the Greens Baobab and Chapmans Baobab on the northern edge of the Ntwetwe Pan. The twin pans Ntwetwe and Sua are part of the gigantic Makgadikgadi pans with Ntwetwe on the western and Sua on the eastern side. And our campsite, Planet Baobab, was on the north western side of Ntwetwe pan. In the maps I could see a track going directly from Planet Baobab towards south through the Greens Baobab. And Chapmans Baobab was further southeast from there. I thought I could try those routes.  When I checked with the receptionist at the camp they advised against it as they said the route is not at all drivable after the rains.

With no other plans left the Lady and I decided to spend the afternoon relaxing, reading and sipping some cocktails at the bar. Our neighbours were young Dutch couples who were also on a similar road trip like us, but through much more safer routes, travelling almost though the tarred routes most of the time. Unlike us, they were on their first African trip and with no previous experience on 4x4 – like us – they decided to be on the safe side, which made sense.
I decided to invite the Lady for dinner at the restaurant. After we left Windhoek we had been cooking in our small gas stove for the last two weeks, I thought it will be nice to have a change and make use of the relaxed atmosphere. Moreover, I wanted the Lady to have some proper full meal as she has almost completely recovered from her illness by now.

It was a nice evening. The food was good and the Lady seemed to be in good spirits. For the first time in the whole trip she opened up a little bit talking about herself and the life she had back home. Just giving a glimpse of the person behind that face. Still I can see that there is a lot hidden behind that face, which she is not ready to share, and only giving vague replies to the queries. Obviously she doesn’t feel comfortable opening up to me for some reason and I guess I should respect that. Still, for whatever reason, I like this woman without doubt. I don’t want to believe that I am in love with her, as I am not good for that, and also I don’t think that she needs me. Just to cut the long sentence short, it was a nice to spend that evening with her and I have to thank her for letting me do that.

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