Monday 16 February 2015

Day 5: Manali

We reached Manali around 4 in the morning. Too tired and exhausted, our initial plan was to take a share taxi to Leh. The information I got was that it is an 18 hr journey to Leh along the mountainous Leh-Manali highway which is about 450 + kms long touching upto 5300 m altitude. Though we were travelling for 12 hrs non-stop we decided to take it.

But nothing went to plan. There was no share taxi available as all of them left by 2-3 am. Due to the Buddhist Kalachakra festival at Leh, where H.H. was giving teachings all the buses/taxis were going full and all were moving only towards Leh. Only a few of them were returning as they were not getting customers to travel back from Leh to Manali. So altogether the number of share taxis available was less. The only option left for us was to catch the taxi next day early morning.
We somehow found a room to put our luggage and take rest for the day. After putting the luggage we went out to have our breakfast. The town was too crowded with honeymooners and the tourists who were escaping the summer in North India. We managed to get a booking for a minibus to Leh which is starting at 1.30 am in the next morning. We returned to our room and slept till 6 pm. Both of us were very tired from the horrible journey to Manali. We had now nothing else to do than having our dinner and wait for the bus

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