Monday 16 February 2015

Day 10: Wanla – Hinju

The place where we stayed was at an altitude  of around 3,300 m. We walked around 13 km yesterday including the climb of the Prinkit La pass. Today there is no pass to conquer. Just walking and a slow climb to 3800 m. We started at around 8 am. The sun was already out in the full strength. It became really hot as the day progressed. It was a long walk in monotonous landscape. Almost all the time we walked along the dirt road connecting the villages. I found the walk really boring. And more over it was very tiring and exhausting. The road was so barren that we couldn’t find a single tree for shadow all along. We felt like walking in a desert under the hot sun. Altogether we walked around 15 km today. Finally we reached our homestay in Hinju village at 12:30 pm.

The village is very beautiful, surrounded by huge mountains and mustard field in the valley. The stark contrast of the reddish barren mountains and the yellow flowers of the mustard field was very beautiful. We had our stay in a typical Ladakhi village house. The houses in the village took turns to host the visitors so that all are equally benefitted from tourism. I found this really wonderful.

Our host was a very old lady living alone. Most of the village was empty as they have gone to Leh for the Kalachakra function. It was a simple house with just one room and a kitchen. There were matts on the floor where we sat and slept. In the evening Deep & Ringchen helped the lady in preparing the diner. Altogether it was just the kind of homestay that I was expecting when I decided for the homestay trek. The dinner was made of vegetarian momo’s. Along with Deep & Ringchen even the neighbours came in to prepare the momo’s. It was a nice dinner in a local Ladakhi home.


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