Monday 16 February 2015

Day 1: Jalandhar to Dharamsala

We reached Jalandhar around 9 am next day. It was not at all a comfortable ride. I was so tired that I had a dead sleep in between. At Jalandhar we had breakfast and then checked for the next options. There is a direct government bus at 11 am. Or we could go to some nearby ‘stop’ and get a bus to Pathankhot where the buses are more frequent. We decided to wait and go for the direct bus to Dharamsala. No more adventures!

The bus left in time. May be because it is a government bus. For the first time something worked in time.  A rarity in India! It was again a very long journey. Travelling in local buses gave Bru a good feel of the real Indian life. Did he enjoy it? I don’t know. But I felt that this experience should be there for anyone visiting to know the pulse of the country.

We reached Dharamsala around 5.30 pm. Since our booking was in a hotel in Mcleod Ganj where the monastery of H.H. Dalai Lama is, we took a taxi to our hotel. The hotel sits in a valley. We had to climb down around 50 steps to reach the hotel. Not so comfortable, especially when you have around 15 kg backpack. But the rooms had a beautiful view of the valley. We had the rooms on the top floor. Finally after almost 2 days of travelling we have a beautiful landscape and peace in mind! I think both of us earned it!

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