Friday 23 August 2013

Day 5: Spituk -> Jingchen

Our trek agent picked us up from the homestay at around 8.30 am. For the trek there was also two British girls joining us. The agent’s jeep took us to Spituk first, from where our trek starts. It is also the place where the cook, pony, horses etc for the trek joined us. The trek to Jingchen is supposed to be not so stressful.

In the beginning the trek went through a desolate plain which ran parallel to the Indus river. After sometime the path split into a narrow gorge where one gets an impressive view of the Indus gorge. We could see some people doing river rafting in Indus. Leaving the Indus gorge we turned left to enter the Jingchen gorge. The day was getting hotter and we took a couple of breaks in between. We walked parallel to the Jingchen river which runs through the gorge. At around 2 pm we reached our campsite at Jingchen situated at the banks of the river. The camp was crowded with trekkers and their ponies/donkeys. We had 2 tents with Am and I on one tent and the 2 girls on the other. In addition there was a kitchen tent where the cook prepared our food.
After taking our packed lunch almost all of us took a nap in the shades. All of us were very tired. We had nothing to do for the rest of the day except relaxing, which was nice. The Jingchen Nala river water comes from the glacier in Stok. So the water was very cold. But the fresh water also helped me to refresh myself. We had a wonderful dinner. I was very surprised that they managed to make such delicious dinner in that tiny tent. After dinner I tried some star photography. Our camp is at an altitutde of 3380 m. Tomorrow we have to try to reach the Ganda La base camp which is at 4545 m. That’s around 1200 m climb in thin air. It is going to be a lot stressful day.


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